sobota, 16 lipca 2011

Nie taki polski straszny...

...jak o nim cudzoziemcy mówią. :D Wygląda na to, że jak ktoś chce, to jak mawiali starożytni Singapurczycy: się da, la!

Czy ktoś z Was słyszał o filmie "Turn Left, Turn Right"? Jeśli nie, to radzę poszperać, bo to tajwański film... zbudowany na wierszu pani Wisławy Szymborskiej! Właśnie tak i nie inaczej! Konkretnie chodzi o wiersz "Miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia", który zresztą jest wielokrotnie w filmie cytowany - po chińsku i po polsku :D

A tu próbka tego, jak Azjaci radzą sobie z naszym rodzimym językiem:

Takeshi-sensei rulez!!!!

3 komentarze:

  1. Zaraz padnę ze śmiechu !!!

  2. Hey :) I'm Milan from Serbia and I just watched Turn Left, Turn Right cos ever since House of a flying daggers I am a fan of Takeshi Kaneshiro but what I didn't know is that this movie will introduced me to a world of Wisława Szymborska :)))) To hear Takeshi recite "Miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia" was really impressive - I had a Polish girlfriend few years ago so I was in Poland many times but all I could manage was Nie movie po Polsku, Biedronka, bajaderka i Niania Frania :P. Anyway after watching the movie I wanted to see Polish parts of it again and that Google search led me to your youtube clip which was truly funny and amazing. Dzieki Panna Driada (oh yeah that's one more PL word I know)

    1. Thank You for Your kind words ^^ I'm a fan of Takeshi Kaneshiro too :D Well, I may not be so big fan of Wisława Szymborska, but it's only because I rarely buy and read poetry at all. But whenever I met her poems I'm deeply touched. I was so impressed by the way they illustrated "Miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia" in the movie (those never-ending passings by). And Takeshi Kaneshiro speaking polish... I must admit he was good at it (better than the girl even).

      I'm so glad you found the video, and that it pleased your desire to hear polish parts of "Turn Left, Turn Right". Also, You have found my blog (unfortunately for You mostly in polish, sorry :P but I invite you to see rest of the posts anyway - I post lots of pictures >:D)
